This Sunday, June 28 is Denver’s annual PrideFest parade.
Newly elected Senator Pat Steadman will be marching in the parade as part of the Stonewall Democrats contingent and he is looking for friends and supporters who will march with him and increase his visibility for this event.
The parade begins at Cheesman Park and goes north two blocks to Colfax and then east for a mile or so to the Civic Center. It’s usually hot and sunny for this event, so please know that you’ll be doing a fair amount of walking and sweating. Hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are recommended.
The Stonewall Dems contingent will line up for the parade in section Yellow, spot #3. The entire parade is lined-up at Cheesman Park beginning at 8:30 am on Sunday morning, although the actual parade doesn’t begin until 9:30.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Join Pat Steadman and march in PrideFest
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Denver Dyke March and Dyke Ball
People of all genders, ages, sizes, classes, races and ethnic backgrounds will gather for the inaugural Denver Dyke March on Saturday, June 27.
Dykes, queers, lesbians, gays, transpeople, bisexuals, allies, feminists and all other supporters will be there to celebrate our community!
The march will begin with a rally at 3 p.m. at Charlie's bar, Emerson and Colfax. Dykes on Bikes will lead the way for the march, which steps off at 5 p.m. and goes down Colfax Ave. to Civic Center Park.And you don't have to go topless and wear Birkenstocks. We swear.
After the March you can hit up the Dyke Ball at Her Bar.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Kate Clinton wishes you Happy Pride!
But not before she lets you know that she is good and P.O'd about what's been going on with Obama 'backing up' on his LGBT campaign promises.
Check out her vlog rant here.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Memories of PrideFest 2008: Dykes on Bikes
The Denver Dykes on Bikes traditionally kick off ever Denver PrideFest and last year was no exception.
The Brothas Group looking for marchers for PrideFest
Brothas4Ever and It Takes a Village are looking for more people to march with them on PrideFest. If you are interested in walking with the Brothas please contact Phil Wade at
It Takes A Village is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization whose mission is to reduce health and social disparities among people of color in the Denver/Aurora, Colorado metropolitan area.
Brothas4Ever is a program creating a community of African-American men who love men throughout the Denver metro area, to address health, relationships, emotional needs and substance abuse. The program includes social events, weekly groups, peer outreach and individual counseling.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pride in Utopia - A Perfect World
Join Babes Around Denver (BAD) for the biggest and best Pride party of the year with special performance by New York lesbian hip-hop/soul duo God-des and She (of 'The L Word' fame), aerial performances by Aerial Dance Over Denver at Exdo on Friday, June 26. Doors open at 7 p.m. and cover is only $10.
Babes Around Denver has presented a wide variety of fun, social events to its diverse base of members since 2003. Its signature First Friday event is the largest regular lesbian party in the country. BAD also organizes other social events for Denver-area lesbians, including professional networking, singles parties, wine tastings, theater outings and recreational excursions for outdoor enthusiasts. In both 2008 and 2009, BAD earned coveted “Best of Denver” awards — including the Readers’ Choice Award for “Best Club Night” — from Westword.
PrideFest will be more fun than a barrel of Monkey's Uncle
Denver comedy improv troupe Monkey's Uncle takes the main stage at PrideFest on Saturday, June 27 from 4-4:30 p.m. Don't miss out on the laughter and fun.
Monday, June 15, 2009
March with CQSA
Looking for a group to march with this PrideFest?
March with the Colorado Queer Straight Alliance! CQSA is a network of LGBTQI and straight Coloradans creating community with integrity and standing TOGETHER for what is right.
The group will meet at Cheesman Park at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning and walk together to represent Colorado's allied straights and queers.
Get more details here.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Deborah Gibson speaks OUT about her gay following
In the PrideFest edition of Out Front Colorado, Denver PrideFest 2009 headliner talks about the part the LGBT community plays in her life and career:
I started playing gay clubs when I was 16. The gay community has always been a part of my life, and they have always been loyal. I used to play three clubs a night, four nightsa week while going to high school to get my first record off the ground. ... I would do a teen club, a straight club and a gay club, and I always couldn't wait to get to the gay club.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Make a DATE for PrideFest
Denver's LGBT tennis association, Denver Area Tennis Enthusiasts (DATE) will be participating in the PrideFest parade on Sunday morning, June 28th. The would like to get a large group of tennis players and tennis enthusiasts to be in the parade this year with them.
The parade starts at 9:30 am at Cheesman Park and heads down to Colfax and on to Civic Center Park.
If you would like to participate with DATE for PrideFest email
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Volunteers for the Stonewall Pride Float are needed
Pride is just around the corner and Stonewall needs your help to assemble the float again for this year’s Denver Pride Fest. Please consider donating an hour or two to help construct this year’s pride float. No construction experience is required.
June 13 – Priming. An hour or two of work needed to prime the float. If you have a paint roller and can bring it, they will love you even more.
June 27 – Assembly. This will also coincide with June’s Monthly membership meeting (moved from the standard third Thursday of every month.) (at Matt and Andy’s 3016 Holly). Please come and be social. BBQ and snacks will be provided. Please bring drills if you have them as there will be lots of things to have to put together. Float building not a requirement to attend the general membership meeting, but please bring some cheer and good times.
June 28 – PRIDE – please meet at Cheesman Park to march with Stonewall in the parade.
Email if you have any questions.
Monday, June 8, 2009
What is PrideFest?
Denver’s PrideFest is a celebration of community, heritage, family and culture that sees more than 250,000 people from Colorado and surrounding areas come out to enjoy a parade, rally, music, entertainment, food and much more.
Produced by the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center of Colorado (The Center), and recognized as one of the top 10 Pride events in the country, PrideFest features a Dance Stage with DJs, a Community Stage and Main Stage with live entertainment, and plenty of celebrating all day.
But it's not just all fun and games. There are also vendor booths including food, art, children's activities, social causes and health awareness.