Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meet the people behind PrideFest: Amy Drayer, Event Director

How long have you worked with PrideFest?
This is my 3rd year.

What exactly do you do with PrideFest?
I don't do anything, I just manage all the people who actually do the work.

How did you come to be involved with PrideFest?
Looking for a paycheck and a fun job.

What is your favorite part of PrideFest?
The parade, even though I've only ever seen 5 minutes of it. Maybe about 11.30am on Sunday when it's still only 90 degrees in the shade, and the park is totally loud and rocking and full of happy, proud gay people. And Monday morning when it's over.

What is your most memorable PrideFest moment?
Last year we forgot to tell Raptor Education project about the motorcycles in the parade, and they roared by the tent and all the birds went ballistic. Ooops.

Why is an event like PrideFest important to the GLBT community?
PrideFest is our chance to get together and celebrate our community and culture, and be free of all our closeted inhibitions throughout the year. It is an accepting and celebratory space where everyone can be free from the pressures of fitting in to a society that doesn't always fully accept us. We can gather and really see the strength and depth or our community - everyone needs that chance at least once a year to stay motivated and keep fighting for our equality!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy Lies!

She does a huge amount! Without her- there would be no pride!